Monday, 4 April 2011

Cloud time-lapse

I changed the tripod around so I got a above shot of the clouds passing buy. i think this would look nice as a title or credits background.

I do really enjoy the finished look of this but I am worried that if i show to much of each shot that the viewer could become board of it. I Want my film not to have a normal narrative. the reason for showing the clouds passing is to show time passing but more so to show the peacefulness of the town Eastleigh which i am focusing on. I want to compare things like the fast paces of the towns people and traffic to the slow and tranquil local woods and village areas of the town.

The point of me filming traffic which will be my next point of call is to show how crowded (or not crowed) the streets and roads are. For the audio I will record the sounds on there own and only speed up a little and I still want the sounds to me understood. My overall aim to to show my life with my town in the modern-day.

I was going to make my film about 30 minutes long but after careful consideration I have decided that i could get my message across is half the time or even less and I would not want the viewers to become board and I am wanting to create a sublime viewing.

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