Today I have been filming in Eastleigh town again. I filmed a one hour time-lapse out side McDonald's. As I had a lot of time on my hands I started to think about how McDonald's has become apart each towns identity and the the Iconic logo effects me each day.
When you see the McDonald's Golden Arches logo you can’t help but think of fast food. The logo is so widely known it has not just became a symbol for McDonalds’s but a symbol for all hamburgers, fries and all fast food places The logo has a very well-built corporate identity; just like all great Logos the logo validates the excellence and legitimacy of the product all over humankind.The designer has cleverly used tricks in the logo to make it work in its context like elements of media, colour, composition, layout, scale and typography. The colour of the McDonald's logo has two well-known hues, golden yellow and red; these are used in the McDonald’s logo to symbolize its strong characteristics. A yellow hue is used on the two arches. A bold red is exploited to fill up the environment surrounding the renowned McDonald’s logo. The yellow colour was carefully chosen as it has symbolism of sunshine, joyfulness and cheerfulness all happy things so subconsciously when we see the logo it makes us think of all these happy things and makes us want to go inside. The red used in the logo helps to represent the strength of the business, a business you can trust as red makes you think of power, control. Red has also been proven to make your blood flow faster and as McDonald's is a fast food restaurant it does not want its customers waiting around, they want them out so more new customers can come it and eat so the fact that the red background is all around them will make them eat faster.
The two colours together give a very strong and confident corporate image with authority to the fast food universe, these colours are known to subconsciously make you feel hungry and happy.
After thinking so hard about one little logo in my town it got be thinking some more about all the other things like logos and shows that we see each day that try to brainwash us with out are knowing.
This is pretty interesting. Mcdonalds doesn't taste that great yet we still buy it rather than other fast food companies. Is it 'coz we are so brainwashed by it all, that we are just buying the brand rather than the food similar to what we do with clothes?