Saturday, 2 April 2011

American Beauty Review

I first watched this film last night after my lecuter from college suggested it to me as I am researching the word 'sublime'. I have very mixed feelings about this film, It is one of them films that will always stay with me. The film has so meny levels in it that makes it a very hard and complex film to watch and understand. It has taken me a nights sleep to find out if I like this film and the end result is that I did.

The film feels like a true indipendent film yet it was made by Hollywood which really shocked me. the narative is nothing like a tradisinal hollywood film. The way I rate films if the lasting impact it has on you after you watch it, then later on after you seen it and then a week after you have seen it, and though it has not been a week yet I can tell that american beauity is a film that i will not forget and would tell other people to watch if they like that slant on tyipical Hollywood.

The film its self is very beautful to look at. It has an amazing visual element. The narrative is equal to the look of the film as there is more then one story going on at any time, the film has this great interweaven quailty. The soundtrack is another high point for me which really bought the film to life and took me on a scary emotional rollercosta.

Watching this film has inspired me a great deal. The boy next door who is always filming with his video camera (Wes Bentley) had be hocked how he filmed films not sort story or money but for pure beauty. for example the plastic bad flowting in the film is compleate sublime . It had helped me re-form my FMP film and has now got me out and about filming anything and everything that I like the look at. I have not desised is I will use any of this footage in my final film but I am pleased with the direction that it is taking me in.

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